Monday, July 9, 2012


Yesterday, there was a "16 and pregnant" marathon, and like any typical teen, I watched some of it. Holy %#@* you guys! I swear, I really dont want to be pregnant at that age or any age close to that. If you know me personally, you know that school is pretty much my escape. I takes me away from my family for an amazing seven hours, with nothing else to do but be social and distract myself with homework. I dont want to ruin that. People who are pregnant before graduation pretty much have no social life. For me, no social life means no life. If I do become pregnant at sixteen, or around that age, I can kiss being a criminologist good-bye. To pay for that baby, I'm probably going to have to use my colloge money, and colloge has been a dream of mine sense ever. But lets say I do become pregnant around that age-
  • there is no way that I'm getting an abortion. Hell to the no.
  • there is no way in Hell, ANYONE is gonna take my baby away from me. Colloge (im not even sure if I'm spelling that right) may be a dream of mine, but so is being a mother. Adoption is a beautiful thing, but so is motherhood. I'd die of heartbreak seeing my baby call somebody else "mommy."
  • I'm not going to expect the father to be around. I learned from my parents and now know that unplanned parenthood is a lot scarier for the father than it is for the mother. Although I feel bad for my mom because of what happened between my parents when I was born, I'm also happy, because I could learn from their example.
hopefully, none of the above ever happen to me before I'm ready for it. Now lets say my daughter gets pregnant young-
  • Some people kick their kids out when they get pregnant. Why in the Hell would you do that?!?! That is YOUR child, even if she is about to have one of her own. She is scared, clueless, isnt going to be able to support her and the baby, has a very good chance of becoming a single mom, and needs her mom there to hold her hand through it all and to give her all the love and support that she needs. I feel that if you kick your pregnant child out, your pretty much setting themselves up for suicide. To be honest, that's how I would feel. I had a really deep conversation with my mom awhile ago, and asked her what she would do if I were pregnant at a young age. She said nothing would change. I'm still her child, she loves me, and she will always be there for me, no matter what stupid desicion I have made.  But lets say she did kick me out-
  • I'd be so scared
  • I wouldn't have a clue what to do
  • I probably wont have that much money
  • The father is probably gonna run from it all.
  • no social life
  • no sparkling, bright, potential future
the only thing I would see is a way out. There should be no question what that way is.

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