Thursday, March 28, 2013

Letting people go.

What I feel is my biggest flaw, is letting people go. When/if they leave, it feels like I'm not a whole. Like they've taken a huge part of me with them and I'm slowly dying from it. I don't want to let them go. I strongly want them in my life. I've been thinking about this a lot since senior graduation is coming up. I've become best friends with a lot of seniors. They know my secrets and I know theirs. We've been through so much together. As you guy's know, I am a TOTAL band geek and I am proud of it :) We've competed in marching band and even went to state together (we finished in second! Not bad!) We've partied together, we've cried together, we've laughed together. I've connected with them on an emotional level. They've had my back many times, and I've tried my absolute hardest to have theirs. Knowing that graduation is coming up, I know that I'll probably never see most of these people again. In my perspective, that's extremely hard for me to wrap my mind around. It's hard to think that a person who has shared so much with me, is one day not going to be there. It physically hurts me to think that way. And the worst part, is that I'm not going to lose one person. I'm losing many. All in one day. But what I've came to realize, is that people are like seasons- They're going to come and go. But the thing about seasons, is that a season is always going to come back. There are going to be more people in your life. People that you're going to have great experiences with. And the other thing I've came to realize is that there is a huge difference between 'wanting' and 'needing' people in your life. Like I said earlier, I strongly want these people in my life. But on graduation day (which is really sad, because it's on my birthday this year :p) when they all walk away and leave me behind, is my heart gonna stop and I'm just going to drop dead? It'll feel that way, but I probably won't. And it's not like I'm going to be totally alone after they leave. I'll still have this years juniors and sophomores and the people in my grade to hang out with :) I'll never forget these people, and that's the most important thing.

I'd just like to say thanks to Blake Bliss for teaching me these lessons. I really wish I had some one like him in my life. Officially on my bucket list to meet this guy. I totally recommend that you guys look him up on YouTube. He is unbelievably inspiring (and REALLY cute). He also is extremely musically talented. Look up some of his songs. And if he's reading this (which I doubt he is, but just in case)- Blake; you're my hero. Don't ever stop doing what you're doing, and don't EVER change.

quote- I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.- Blake Bliss
song-Heart Attack- Demi Lovato
celeb- Blake Bliss. Not an official celebrity, but he's my hero.

Yup, that's pretty much how I was raised xD

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