Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finals week

So finals week is coming up AND I'M FREAKING OUT! Seriously you guys, I've hit panic mode and beyond. Not to mention stress. Nothing good happens when I get stressed. I break out, zone out often, and people get bitched at. I mean, my grades are FINE and I test pretty well, but the pressure to do well is suffocating. Doing finals week eight times is gonna suck. Actually, it'll be sixteen times since I've got college to look forward to after that. And what really sucks, is that during finals week, we'll be running on block schedule. For those of you who haven't run on block schedule, it sucks. Block was (we don't do it anymore, thank you Jesus) every Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday we had all our odd number classes and Thursday our even number classes. For example; on Wednesday I have 1st hour Science than 3rd hour algebra, 5th hour band, and 7th hour intro to art. Than Thursday I have 2nd hour english, 4th hour spanish, 6th P.E., than 8th hour history. So since we only have half of our classes, the classes are twice as long. The only good thing about this is the 10 minute passing time. But anyways, our finals are on the 22nd/23rd and like I said, they run on block schedule. So the day I take my Science finals (first thing in the damn morning) I have to take my Algebra finals immediatly after. Pray for me.

But you know what? I gotta plan :) (honestly, when don't I?) If your getting ready to take your finals, or if you have a big test coming up, feel free to use it--
  • I'm gonna cut out the 45 minutes it takes me to get ready for school by not wearing makeup and just putting my hair in a bun. This will also help with the break out situation. And give me 45 minutes of extra and much needed sleep.
  • I'm gonna leave the heels at home (I know. Shocker, right?) and instead I'll just wear a pair of sweatpants.
  • I'm gonna think of something really fun to do at the end of finals week so I have something to look forward to
  • I'm gonna convince my mother to make me a smoothie for breakfast. (if you can't convince them, confuse them.)
  • I'm gonna buy my self a new nail polish color to wear on finals day to help remind myself to stay confident and own that test!
  • study dates with whoevers down!!!
  • study in small, short, evenly spaced sessions instead of cramming
  • turing off my cell phone so I'm not too distraced.
  • Music. Lots and lots of music.
  • I just won't even talk to my siblings cause it's bad enough when one of them pisses me off on a regular day.
So there :)
quote- if you can't convince them, confuse them- E.J
song- Ridin solo- Jason Derulo
word- aca-bitches :)  (yeah fat amy!)
celeb- Rebel Wilson (fat amy)
not gonna do an ecard tonight. Ran outta time. Next post, I'll upload 2

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