Saturday, April 6, 2013

Favorite texts during the month of March

March 1st- Text convo with my friend Emily-
Emily- I strongly dislike waking up at 7:30
Me- I've been up since 4:30, babysitting. Don't complain.
Me- AAAAAAND I'm on my period
Emily-haha! sucker ;)
Me- Many people would argue that you're the sucker cuz if I get angry you're gonna be the one to lose a body part vital to your survival. In other words- Try it, bitch. I dare you.
Emily- ......We'll see bout that
Me- YOU won't
Emily-What do you mean?
Me- the first body part I'm gonna go for is gonna be your head.
Emily- Jeez...somebody's grumpy
Me-Well if your uterus was squeezing out it's lining, you'd be grumpy too.

March 2nd- text convo with my friend Emily-
(6 am)  Emily- I'm bored.
(at 9) Me- Dude, you need to stop texting me so fricken early in the morning.
Emily- I was bored
Me- I was asleep
Emily- I'm on a bus.
Me- I'm on my period.
Emily- ......You win.
Me- Damn straight. #winning

March 3rd- text convo with Emily-
Emily-Exactly! Dumb americans...
Me- mhm. But Europeans aren't very smart either.
Emily-What do you mean?
Me- I mean c'mon, have you seen their hats?
Emily- haha! point!

March 9/10 text convo with Lindsey
*march 9th*
Lindsey- Have I ever told u tht ur my best friend? (I didn't see this text cuz my phone died and I didn't have a charger)
*march 10*
Me- so do you wanna do the sit in's sometime this week?
Lindsey- yeah sure
Me- k.So.....I'm your best friend, huh? :->
Lindsey- Yeeeeah :->

March 16th- text convo with Emily
Emily- you know who's really super cute?!
Me- Me c:
Emily-Sure :) but I was thinking more along the lines of guys.

March 16th Text convo with Emiy
Me- I just saw *******  (a senior who goes to our school who has given Emily and I many reason to dislike him) >:p
Emily- haha! sucker!
Me- (^%$#%^&*&^%$#$%^
Emily- dafaq....
Emily- what did you just say?
Me- I was so angry that I just hit random keys. I'm better now.

March 17 text convo with my friend Lindsey
Lindsey-Have you ever heard of the book "night circus"
Me- nope! Is it good?
Lindsey- Yeah! It's about these two magicians competing to be the best but they fall in love and only one can survive.
Me- Why are books always like 'only one can survive.' How about 'whoever I like best gets a cookie'?
Lindsey- Yes.
Me- Or, 'whoever is best gets a free alpaca'
Lindsey-yeah! we should write a book like that
Me- Best idea you've had all day
Me- but hey, whoever dies last gets an alpaca ;)

March 25th- Text conversation with Emily
Emily J (not the one from band)- hey!
Me- hey :->
Emily J- is someone in a good mood? :)
Me- yesh :D
Emily- y?
Me-cuz I saw an awesome friend of mine today! I haven't seen him in FOREVER.
Emily- awww! did he hump you?
Me- ?!?!
Emily- O sweet jesus, I meant hug. did he HUG you. damn autocorrect
Emily- I feel like such an idiot
Emily- I am so embarrassed
Emily- gr8. now ur not txting me cuz you think Im weird
Me- chill, I wasn't texting you cuz I was laughing too hard and my hands were shaking really badly :D

March 29th- text conversation with Emily
Emily- Dumas. Did you know that there's a town in Oklahoma names 'dumas'? When I saw the sign that said 'dumas' I did a double take cuz I thought for sure it said Dumbass.
Me- I thought that's what you were trying to say at first lol :)
Emily- Haha! For cereal though! Dumas is a name of a town. Poor dumas people.
Me- I think whoever came up with that name is a dumas.
Emily-true story broski!
Me- xD

March 29th-  text conversation with Lindsey
Lindsey- Dude, who is this **** ****-********* guy?
Me- the name's familiar, but I'm not 100% sure who it is
Lindsey- He sent me a request on facebook and I saw that you two were friends so I accepted it.
Me- yeah he sent me one too but he's friends with Kara so I thought 'what the hell'
Lindsey- Yep. I've definitely done that before.
Me- One day, we'll be murdered for this.
Lindsey- yeah...or raped.
Me- Or both 0_o
Lindsey- Yeah. Probably both.
Me- Yeah, knowing how are luck always plays out -_-

March 30th- text conversation with Lindsey-
Me- My potatoes bring all the Irish to the yard and their like 'that famine was hard' damn right that famine was hard! I could feed you, but you'd have to starve
Lindsey- I don't get it.
Me- At one point in history the Irish went through a really bad famine.
Lindsey- I'm aware of that.
Me- Than what don't you get?
Lindsey- everything.
Me-....have you ever heard the song 'milkshake'?
Lindsey- nope.
Me- That would be y you don't get it than.

March 30th- text conversation with Lindsey-
Lindsey- Look up 'everything wrong with Twilight in 6 minutes or less' and 'honest trailer breaking dawn'
Me-K I will in just a sec. My cat is sitting on me and I'm afraid to move him cuz last time I tried that he smacked my face twice than got back on my stomach. I'm scared.
Lindsey- LOL! I'm dying imagining your cat bitch slapping u!
Me- L8r I'm gonna sneak into my neighbors house, steal their yellow-pages book and look up the number for 'animal control'
Lindsey- Well, that escalated quickly.
Me- It's okay, my neighbors love me :3 They give me cookies on my birthday. And I know where they keep the spare key >:)  come with me?
Lindsey-WHAT?! HELL NO!
Me- but....if I don't get the yellow-pages book, I can't call animal control. And if I can't call animal control, my cat will kill me.
Lindsey- Well put on your big-girl pant and deal!
Me-but....I want to wear my sweatpants.
Me- how'd you know that I was in your house?! ;)
Lindsey- 0_0

Quote- Mr. Krabs- SpongeBob, that hat you're wearing makes you look like a girl.
            SpongeBob- Am I a pretty girl?
Song- This girl- Laza Morgan
celeb- Audrey Hepburn

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