Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tips for protecting you skin from the sun

I figured since it's summer, this post would be a good idea.
  • Whenever possible, stay out of the sun for long periods of time. The best time to stay out of the sun would be between 10-2 o'clock when rays are at their strongest.
  • Protect your skin year round with SPF. Even in the winter. Most people think that when someone says 'wear SPF year round' that means that you constantly have to wear sunscreen. No. Just no. Instead, look for moisturizers/foundation/face and-or body lotion that have SPF mixed in them.
  • Avoid tanning beds. Just stay away from them.
  • Wear sunglasses, because most SPF (that isn't in a moisturizer/foundation/lotion) is too harsh on the sensitive skin around the eye.
  • When shopping for sunscreen, make sure you find one that fights agains both UVA AND UVB rays. Not one or the other.
  • When applying sunscreen, you should always apply liberally.
  • If you're in sports or if you swim, look for water/sweat proof sunscreen.
  • If you have a job that requires you to constantly be outside, please, please, PLEASE, reapply your SPF regularly.
  • UVA rays can be reflected from all light surfaces. And I mean ALL light surfaces; water, sand, snow, ice and even concrete. Just keep that in mind the next time you think you don't need sunscreen.
  • I shouldn't need to tell you this, but after reading some YouTube comments, I realized how dumb some people are. So I'm going to say it anyways- infants who are under six months should not be wearing sunscreen. They should be covered up and out of the sun.
  • If you have sensitive skin-use a cream based product and avoid sunscreen with tretinion or; Retin-A, Stieva-A, Restisol-A, Rejuva-A, Renova, or Vitamin A acid. (it'll dry your skin out)
  • If you have any allergies to skin products, look for sunscreens that are fragrance free and hypoallergenic
  • Use two tablespoons of sunscreen to cover yourself from head to toe. If you can't fathom how much two tablespoons equals, it's the equivalent of a shot glass. Don't judge me for making that analogy.

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