Saturday, December 29, 2012


For me, one of the most annoying things in the world are my acne scars. I don't have any really bad ones, but the little dark dots are still really annoying. The reason why it's so hard to get rid of acne scars, is because the scar is under your skin. There are two layers to your skin- the epidermis (the thin, top layer where pore ducts travel to the surface of your skin) and the dermis (the thick, bottom layer where all your pores are.) All acne is connected to the dermis, so when you pick at it, the nerves in the dermis are 'woken up'.This is why some acne hurts and is really sensitive. So the dermis' way to protect it's self from you picking at you acne, is to harden and form a lump which cases discoloration that is visible from your top layer of skin. I tried targeted discoloration correctors but they didn't work until I tried this little method-

Lately, I've been experimenting with things from my fridge to make facial masks. One of my favorites, were eggs. As many people know, eggs are FULL of protein! One large egg has about 6.2 grams of protein. But what most people DON'T know, is that your skin is also made up of protein. Appling egg white's to your face will help repair tissue and dry skin, making your skin soft and moist. It's also works to repair acne scars and minimizes pores and wrinkles. Egg yokes are also good for keeping your skin tight, soft, and moist.

What you'll need-
  • one egg
  • two bowls
  • a fork
  • towel
  • warm water
  • anything that you need to hold your hair back
  • toilet paper
  • a light moisturizer (preferably with a discoloration corrector)
What to do-
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. You don't want the fatty acids and the amino acids that are on your hands to get on you face because they can cause breakouts. That's why I'm super stick about applying anything to your face with a brush, if possible
  • Crack open the egg
  • Separate the whites from the yolk, putting the whites in bowl one, and the yoke in bowl two
  • beat the yoke with a fork until there are small bubbles. (you don't want it to get too frothy)
  • protect your hair with headbands, bobby pins, hair ties etc. etc.
  • apply yolk to face with fingers
  • leave for ten minutes
  • wash off with warm water
  • beat egg whites with fork until there are small bubbles (again, you don't want it to get too frothy)
  • apply to face with fingers
  • layer toilet paper over the egg whites, ripping off excess as you go.
  • let mask sit for a half hour
  • peel off
  • rinse with warm water
  • apply a thin layer of moisturizer
Before you buy a moisturizer, you need to understand your skin type first. If your skin is like mine, with slight discoloration, slightly oily, and non-sensitive, you can go ahead and use moisturizers with sulfuric acids. But if you have very delicate and sensitive skin, avoid ANYTHING with sulfuric acid. (not just moisturizers, but soaps, facial masks, scrubs, lotions, etc. etc.)  If you have sensitive skin, look for a natural moisturizer. Anything with 'avocado' or 'honey' listed as an ingredient is good.

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